Welcome to our parish website -the parish of Clogh has two churches catering for the worshiping Catholic community - St Patrick’s Church Clogh and Sacred Heart Church Moneenroe.
The people of Clogh Parish show a great pride in our Churches and parish and we hope to continue the excellent work of our predecessors and the various organisations and committees within the parish.
If you contribute to the life of the parish by attending Mass and other celebrations, give your time and talents as a volunteer in one of the many lay ministries and/or provide financial support. We would like to offer our sincere thanks and encourage you to continue to be part of our parish family.
We strive to make our community a true Christian people, who try to live by the core values of the Gospel – love, compassion, support and acceptance.
May God Bless your and your families and all who you love with peace.
St Patrick's Church, Clogh
Sunday: 11.00am every Sunday
Sacred Heart Church, Moneenroe
Saturday: 6..00 every Saturday
To view Past Newsletters click HERE
Clogh Parish, Co. Kilkenny | Tel: 056 440 1942
Email: clogh@ossory.ie
© 2020. Clogh Parish